Saturday, June 2, 2012

b2st yang yoseob's new twitter account!!!!


As you may all know by now someone hacked Kikwang’s twitter acc.
He hasn’t delete it or expressed that intention. But this it is extremely disrespectful to his privacy and himself to do something like this.
@B2stGK 누구의 짓인지 모르겠지만 저 아닌 다른 사람이 제 아이디를 사용 한 것 같습니다 이런 일은 다신 일어나지 않았으면 좋겠습니다 부탁드립니다
[TRANS] @B2stGK I don’t know who did it but it wasn’t me. I think someone else used my ID. I hope things like this don’t happen again. I beg you guys
Beside this Yoseob decided to maybe prevent himself and even created a new Twitter acc. So please B2uties show your support and follow him on twitter.

@helloimys 이 계정은 비번을 몰라서 삭제를 못합니다. 계정을 바꾸려고 다 지운거니까 놀라지마세요^^
[TRANS] @helloimys I can’t delete this account because I don’t know the password to it. I erased everything because I am trying to change my account don’t be surprised^^
@helloimys: My new tweet ID☞ @itzmeys
Let us hope in the future situations like this doesn’t occur.


(new yoseob's twitter)